
They must have gotten right down to business, as it wasn't more than a few minutes later when I saw the door open and Steve waving me down to it. I hurriedly did so, quietly stepping in as he made his way back over towards the bed. Sure enough, my mother was spread-eagled on the bed, hands and feet tied to the corner posts with a black scarf tied around her head, covering her eyes. The fact that I was actually standing there inside the room, looking at my very own naked, tied down blindfolded. One was at Jimmy’s house. He was one of the big party throwers in our graduating class. We’d stayed friends despite my quitting the football team in the fall. Maybe we weren’t as close as we once were, but he was always sure to invite me to his parties. He was a good guy. The other party was at some kid’s house that I barely knew, but Jake invited me and I was tempted to go. Jake was the soccer player I met while doing laps at Coach Riley’s insistence during my short football career this year.. She then collected the menus and left to give them to the kitchen, leaving us to chat idly while we waited for our food.We first talked about our plans and what we hoped to achieve and learn about our target. Once that was completed, I began asking what personal tasks they were hoping to complete while they were here, as I was the only one who was here primarily on business, while still searching for clues about Brenson.We had just finished talking when the smell of food broke the idea of. There were two more sentry posts that Poppa wanted neutralized. One was just north of Lakewood Freeway where I-85 and I-75 came together to go into downtown. It was a great sight point in both directions. The other was at the I-20 interchange. Of course, now that we knew there might be others, we were slower.Those were the only two. We saw and intercepted a Humvee that we learned was on its way to relieve the sentry posts. We tied them up and Bennie called Poppa Jack.He said, "Jack, this is.
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